Title — Created from the subject line of your initial request.
Request Details — Created from the details provided in your initial request.
Attachments — Downloadable link to attachments provided in your initial request.
Agent Response — Responses are chronologically listed in a conversation format.
Response Field — Add to the conversation by typing your response in this field.
Support Ticket Details
Requester — The individual who initially submitted the request.
Created / Last Activity — The time and date are recorded when a ticket is first created, and the ticket will also display a timestamp from when the ticket was last modified.
CCs — Contacts will be displayed here if any email addresses were copied to your initial request or added throughout the ticket conversation.
Assigned to — Displays the name of a support agent assigned to your ticket.
ID — Displays the unique ticket number assigned to your request.
Status — Displays the current status of your ticket.
Priority — In some cases, you may see a priority label depending on the nature of your request.
Attachments — This area will display links to attachments associated with your ticket.
Support Ticket Status Updates
Open - Support team is working to resolve your request.
Awaiting your reply - Support team is waiting for your reply.